
Alkalinity Increaser
100% Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate
Easy-to-use, this granular product raises total alkalinity in the pool and acts as a buffer to prevent pH bounce, staining, and corrosion.
- Raises Total Alkalinity in Water
- Contributes to Optimal Sanitizer Performance
- Protects Pool Surfaces from Staining and Corrosion
- Helps Prevent pH Fluctuation
Available in various sizes.

pH Increaser
100% Sodium Carbonate
This granular product increases the water's pH effectively and conveniently. Reach optimum pH ranges with minimal effect on the overall alkalinity.
- Raises pH of Water
- Contributes to Optimal Sanitizer Performance
- Protects Pool Surfaces From Staining and Corrosion
- Reduced Eye and Nose Irritation
Available in various sizes.

pH Decreaser
93.2% Sodium bisulfate
This dry acid decreases the pH of pool water slowly and effectively. The granular product is more convenient than a liquid acid. Product of choice for lowering pH.
- Lowers pH of Water
- Contributes to Optimal Sanitizer Performance
- Helps Prevent Scale Build Up
Available in various sizes.

Calcium Increaser
100% Calcium Chloride
A convenient granular product for raising calcium hardness. Addition of this product as required will help protect pool from corrosion & help prevent staining.
- Raise calcium hardness in water to recommended level
- Help protect pool surfaces, plumbing, and equipment from corrosive conditions
Available in various sizes.

100% Cyanuric Acid
100% cyanuric acid - chlorine stabilizer. It prolongs the effective life of chlorine by reducing loss caused by the sun. Sometimes referred to as a conditioner.
- Raises Stabilizer in Water
- Reduces Chlorine Loss Caused by the Ultra Violet Rays of the Sun
- Dissolves Completely When Applied As Directed
Available in various sizes.